• Namdo B / D 203, Hasang-dong 377-6
  • Shiheung-City, 京畿, 429-270
  • 대한민국
  • 전화:82-435-8746
  • 팩스:82-435-8749
  • URL:

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DaeJin Chemical Co., Ltd

About US

DaeJin Chemical is manufacturer of EYELASH EXTENSION Ultra bonding GLUE, PROTEIN REMOVER, GEL LIQUID REMOVER, GLUE PRIMER and related cosmetics supplier in Korea.

We trade innovative products to get comfortable lead in competitive market.

-Honest spirit

With an honest and devoted team, working with extraordinary enthusiasm and high efficiency, making every efforts to fulfil customer needs.

Our Quality-Assurance carrying stress test on products play important role in whole process of producing a product.

Daejin is dedicated to be a reliable business partner with innovated solutions to our global customers.

- Environment focus

We are very much aware towards nature and responsibility to keep it clean. We are very careful in selecting product which is least hazardous to environment. Pollution is a serious global problem and we all should actively participate to keep the environment clean.

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